Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray on Sunday said that the Covid lockdown in the state has been extended till June 15. However, restrictions will be eased in some districts after reviews
The Covid lockdown in Maharashtra has been extended till June 15 but restrictions will be eased in some districts, Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray said on Sunday.
Covid curbs will be eased in districts where the case positivity rate is less than ten per cent and occupancy of oxygen beds is less than 40 per cent. On the other hand, in districts where cases are rising, more curbs will be imposed.
"Many are threatening to agitate if opening up is not announced. I want to request you to have patience. We have not imposed a very strict lockdown. I am not enjoying keeping these restrictions. But it is the need of the hour," Thackeray stated during a press conference.