As on Saturday, petrol was priced at Rs 97.53 per litre, while diesel at Rs 92.45 per litre
Hyderabad: Fuel prices have seen yet another hike, with petrol prices inching closer to the Rs 100 mark in Hyderabad. As on Saturday, petrol was priced at Rs 97.53 per litre, while diesel at Rs 92.45 per litre. Petrol price was increased by Rs 3.51 per litre and diesel by 4.33 a litre in the last month. On May 1, the petrol and diesel prices in the State were Rs 93.83 and Rs 87.89, respectively.
In several other States, including Maharashtra, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh, petrol prices per litre have already crossed Rs 100. According to Vinay Kumar, president, Telangana State Petrol Association, the prices would go up again. “The prices will be revised in the coming week. The pricing of petrol and diesel depends on the value of crude oil in the international market. However, there are several variables responsible for the hike,” he said.